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+33 (0)5 55 73 10 05
Teyssier Hotel - Restaurant
rue du pont Turgot - 19140 Uzerche
Hôtel Restaurant Teyssier
Home > Restaurant > Corrézien menu

Corrézien menu

Gastronomic meal with views over Uzerche’s old bridge and the River Vézère.

The Logis de France Hôtel-Restaurant Teyssier serves sophisticated cuisine based on high-quality, local products.

Salad of buckwheat "pous", goat cheese with honey 
Crépinette of Pig's trotter
Veal head with herbs and condiments
Filet mignon of pork with bacon, jérusalem artichoke, mashed butternut 
Apple flognarde, rum flavoured 
Walnut cake with custard cream